Marilena Boccato / Gian Nicola Gigante
Associated Architects Group
Marilena Boccato e Gian Nicola Gigante graduated at Venice University of architecture where they received theri professional architecture qualifications.
They are self-employed and work in Treviso, active in the architecture project field, restoration of interior design and above all industrial design.
In the last field tey have had many years of collaboration with well known companies.
They have been members of the ADI (Association for Industrial Design) since the seventies, and more recently of the BEDA (The Bureau of European Designers Associations).
Their projects have gained awards, been recognised and have been publisched in prestigious trade fare journals.
They were principally responible for the rising success of the italian Design: their efforts in the field of product design is evident in the large number of products designed and realized by them.
In the world of Italian Designers their name is a symbol